BM # 07 - Leading men of Protestantism are leading Protestants Back To The Catholic Church.
The 500th anniversary of Luther's 95 theses is now dedicated by the Lutheran World Federation as a day of "visible unity". Lutherans state that "In 2017, we must confess openly that we have been guilty before Christ of damaging the unity of the church."
Luther is credited for 500 years of truth but Lutherans are guilty for turning 500 years of truth into a lie ! Boston Globe reports that a delegation of Protestant leaders ( Copeland, the televangelist James Robison, as well as Geoff Tunnicliffe, head of the Worldwide Evangelical Alliance) told Francis they wanted to accept his invitation to seek visible unity. Read all about it -
Father Thomas Keating -How To Become God In 3 Steps Through Centering Prayer
Beware ! Rick Warren promotes " centering prayer" and "breath prayers" - “With practice, you can develop the habit of praying silent ‘breath prayers’” pg 89 & 299 of PDL. “I started slowly to turn my worries into ‘breath prayers.’” -Rick Warren’s Teens at Saddleback -
Father Richard Rohr - Our Salvation Is To Be 100% Divine Like Jesus Through Eastern Meditation
Beware ! Richard Foster and Father Richard Rohr is on a board together which selects recommended reading for Christians. Rohr tells us how to be 100% divine thru eastern meditation - -
Like Ignatius Loyola, Pope Francis Is Dedicated To The Divinity Of All Humanity
“To think that the leader of the Catholic Church is one who follows in the tradition of Ignatius, whose life has been devoted to finding God in all things.” – Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities.
Beware, the false teaching of " God in all things " is pantheism.
BM #08- False dichotomous "body & soul" belief is the basis of eastern meditation and now of contemplative Christians
God "formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being" (Gen. 2:7). It is important to note that the Bible says that man became a living soul. Nothing in the Creation account indicates that man received a soul—as some kind of separate entity.
Socrates, Taoism and all dichotomous dualistic religions.
Old false dichotomous belief - My body is bad, but my spirit is good ! What I do with my body does not matter as my spirit is always good. Socrates, when he committed suicide felt that death was when his good spirit finally escapes from his bad body.
On the other hand, the Bible is clear that each human being is an indivisible unity. The body, soul, and spirit function in close cooperation, revealing an intensely sympathetic relationship between a person's spiritual, mental, and physical faculties. Deficiencies in one area will hamper the other two. A sick, impure, or confused spirit or mind will have a detrimental effect on one's emotional and spiritual health.
God "formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being" (Gen. 2:7). It is important to note that the Bible says that man became a living soul. Nothing in the Creation account indicates that man received a soul—as some kind of separate entity. -
Atheists and modernists always claim pure motives which is their "real me".
And of course, they are indignant that God should be so consumed and so particular with what they may do with their body !? What they may do to their body does not matter because of their false dichotomous belief. Their "real me " must go unquestioned. Is this modern belief not the same as the old dualistic one ?
What is worse is that contradicting views of everyone's "real me" are all also true. You are ok and I am ok too. So, contradictions in enlightened unity are alright too. This is often called " unity in diversity". At some point the opposite polarities of truth and error will have to disappear. It is only in the realm of altered non dual unreality that this can possibly occur as nothing more than a neural phenomena. -
Christianity's " Emerging Church" dichotomous dualism.
Contemplative Christianity's foundation is the false pagan belief in the existence of the immortal soul/spirit dichotomous from the body . Founder of Catholic Contemplative Prayer, Thomas Merton states - At the center of our being is a point of nothingness which is untouched by sin and by illusion, a point of pure truth, a point or spark which belongs entirely to God, which is never at our disposal, from which God disposes of our lives, which is inaccessible to the fantasies of our own mind or the brutalities of our own will. Because when you die, that is all that is left. When we die, everything is destroyed except this one thing, which is our reality that God preserves forever. He will not permit its final destruction. And the thing is, that we know this. This is built into that particular little grain of gold, this spark of the soul, or whatever it is. It knows this. And the freedom that matters is the capacity to be in contact with that center. For it is from that center that everything else comes.….contemplative prayer is nothing other than ‘coming into consciousness’ of what is already there.
Old deception with new packaging.
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Hi there, I am interested in becoming a certified meditation instructor/coach, what would you say is the best in order for me to receive these credentials. Christ centered of course. Thanks.
Hello "m". Please do send me an e-mail. If my e-mail address is not attached to this reply, you can see my e-mail address on this webpage:
Would like to contact Will Baron about Feldenkrais, Rolfing, applied kinesiology comparisons. If you have any free material on mysticism, I would like for the research group to send them to me. Thanks
Hi. Where are you going after Portland? Coming to Southern California? I will watch your 3 talks in Portland in sequence. Thanks.