Satan Seduces Humanity Again With His Lie Of The IMMORTAL SOUL, His Last And Final Version
As contemplative panentheistic emerging Christianity amalgamates with eastern meditation and religion, the common denominator, the immortal soul of the west which the east calls by many names, the "inner divine, true self, inner self, inner reality" become their common foundation for the platform of love for the unity of all people and religion whereupon an all inclusive humanity is wrought in non-differentiating divine compassion around the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil ( not good against evil but good and evil ) .
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Hi there, I am interested in becoming a certified meditation instructor/coach, what would you say is the best in order for me to receive these credentials. Christ centered of course. Thanks.
Hello "m". Please do send me an e-mail. If my e-mail address is not attached to this reply, you can see my e-mail address on this webpage:
Would like to contact Will Baron about Feldenkrais, Rolfing, applied kinesiology comparisons. If you have any free material on mysticism, I would like for the research group to send them to me. Thanks
Hi. Where are you going after Portland? Coming to Southern California? I will watch your 3 talks in Portland in sequence. Thanks.