More FREE-LOVEISMs, Today's Unity-Isms : Together 2016 - The Campaign.

Reference is made to this BIG unity event involving Pope Francis and other top religious leaders including Ravi Zachiaras, Hillsong, Francis Chan, etc, their Together 2016 – The Campaign
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Please read extract below from The Mystic Omega Of End Time Crisis below .... 
Free-Loveism in today’s context is the misuse of God’s unconditional love as licence. In the worst case it is “ sin and live” which also means “salvation not involving sanctification”. EGW use of the term “free-loveism” was in relation to pantheism which is based on the belief that God is the pervasive “ Essence “ in everything and hence is also in every man from birth. In the east, this belief was rapidly embedded that in His love, God is One, God is All with all humanity. Its Christian equivalent is Jesus One, Jesus All or as stated in 1891 in General Conference Bulletin 325 the “ modern mantra of “Jesus All ” which Waggoner spoke against. .
The authentic empowering response to God’s unconditional love is to love Him back unconditionally …. With all our heart, soul and mind, this being the first great commandment. This is when the immeasurable transformational power of God’s love is experienced.  
The counterfeit love, Eros ( free-loveism ) has become the platform of unity and  is now taking over Christianity ….
From Page 111 of The Mystic Omega Of End Time Crisis …
This is all the battle is about between the Christian Agape and the pagan Eros.
Eros is the great self-centered phenomenon of this world. Eros means nothing but
man's hopeless indulgence in himself, his own senses, his own righteousness, his own
ways, all things detached from their meaningful relationship to God.
! In the philosophical tradition of the West that obstinate man-centeredness is
exactly what has received the comparatively honorable and pleasant-sounding name of
Eros. In Seventh-day Adventist end time charismatics, however, this godlessness was
destined to be branded one day with other names, more popularly understandable
names, more daringly outspoken-and at the same time more spiritually significantnames:
"free-lovism" and "unholy spiritual love."
! The Spirit of Prophecy did not need to wait until the Swedish theologian Anders
Nygren, with his famous book, Agape and Eros, had introduced into modern Protestant
theology an important inquiry into the essence of those two types of love as
fundamental motifs at constant war with each other down through the ages. That
inquiry, which certainly has not yet reached its culmination, did not begin until a couple
of decades after Ellen White's death. But she had better sources of information than
any human theologian, either in the past or in the present. Nowhere in purely human
writings will you ever find the marvelous insights that hit the core of the matter with
dumfounding precision, and with a common sense understandability which is a blessed
6. The Eros Motif’s Merciless War Against Holiness
! Small wonder that the pointed names of "freeloveism" and "unholy spiritual love"
hit the weak heads and the sentimental hearts like a thunderbolt. For those names
make it glaringly clear exactly what it is that happens to be so tragically deficient in the
pseudo-religious self-efforts of our world's "spirit"-infatuated humanists: Such men
invariably tend to think they have no use for God's radical interference in their lives.
They foolishly insist on being "free," free from the One in whom man has all his
freedom, if any at all. They sense no vital need of the Spirit of the living God, the Holy
One who persists untiringly in His plan of making man holy, also.
! Along what road of transforming virtue does He plan that His creature should
acquire that state of holiness? Well, along the last road man himself would ever think of
as feasible and desirable. That is the road of obedience. So just the narrow path God
blesses with His personal and almighty cooperation.
! "Sanctification through obedience?", some may repeat head-shakingly. "Aha, I
see you are now on your way back to that eternal law of yours again."
! Yes, I am on my way back to that eternal law, to the spirit of law-abidingness that
never grows outdated because it is forever the blessed attitude of the child of God, the
son-Father attitude. Some may think this an awfully tedious and slow-winding itinerary,
but it is the one leading to the goal:
! Sanctification is not the work of a moment, an hour, a day, but of a lifetime. It is
not granted by a happy flight of feeling, but is the result of a constantly dying
! ! ! ! Page 113
to sin, and constantly living for Christ. Wrongs cannot be righted nor reformation
wrought in the character by feeble intermittent efforts. It is only by long, persevering
effort, sore discipline, and stern conflict, that we shall overcome. We know not one day
how strong will be our conflict the next. So long as Satan reigns, we shall have self to
subdue, besetting sins to overcome. So long as life shall last, there will be no stopping place,
no point which we can reach and say, I have fully attained. Sanctification is the
result of lifelong obedience. (AA 560, emphasis supplied)."
! And lest anyone should think that it is by pure accident sanctification is
mentioned in so close connection with obedience, let us add at random some other
passages from the same author.
! True sanctification means perfect love, perfect obedience, perfect conformity to
the will of God. We are to be sanctified through obedience to the truth. Our conscience
must be purged from dead works to serve the living God. We are not yet perfect; but it
is our privilege to cut away from the entanglements of self and sin, and advance to
perfection. Great possibilities, high and holy attainments, are placed within the reach of
all. (Ibid. p. 565, emphasis supplied).
! Sanctification "through obedience to the truth," that is Seventh-day Adventist
realism. It has a constant war to fight against anti-rational sentimentalism.
"Sanctification does not close the avenues of the soul to knowledge, but expands the
mind and inspires it to reach for truth as for hidden treasures" (CT 223). Truth is a life changing
force. "Truth in the heart cannot fail of having a correcting influence upon the
life" (Ibid., 223). "Holiness is not rapture; it is the result of surrendering all to God; it is
doing the will of the heavenly Father" (MB, 149). The same word, "rapture" is also
found in Acts of the Apostle. Again it is used to show what holiness is not. Obviously
there is in human beings a special temptation to confuse the concepts here:
! Holiness is not rapture: it is an entire surrender of the will to God; it is living by
every word that proceeds from the mouth of God; it is trusting God in trial, in darkness
as well as in light; it is walking by faith and not by sight; it is relying on God with
unquestioning confidence, and resting in his love. (AA 51)"! You may safely draw one
capital conclusion from all this regarding the rock-bottom philosophy of Seventh-day
Adventism: There is no mystifying antinomianism in its attitude toward the sanctified
life. The Spirit of Prophecy is never ashamed of speaking about the law. On the
contrary, this is a topic dwelt upon, not only with awe and reverence, but also with joy
and admiration. In this respect it emulated the enthusiasm of David when he wrote the
longest chapter in the whole Bible, the 119th Psalm.
! ! ! ! Page 114
! God calls for men, for those who in His sight will be true. Reform must be
brought about in the churches. There is now great need of reinstating in the hearts of
men and women and old-time reverence for the ten commandments. Through
obedience to these commandments humanity is to be sanctified, that the results of
skepticism shall not be strengthened, but that the foundations of our faith shall be
manifest, and all the precepts of God's holy law enforced. (Sons and Daughters of God,
194, emphasis supplied).
! True sanctification is harmony with God, oneness with Him in character. It is
received through obedience to those principles that are the transcript of His character,
and the Sabbath is the sign of obedience. He who from the heart obeys the fourth
commandment, will obey the whole law. He is sanctified through obedience. (6T 350,
emphasis supplied).
! Why do I dwell so emphatically and so lengthily on the topic of sanctification in a
review of the mystic current of spiritualism among us in past and present? For two
reasons. In the first place, sanctification is insisted upon as an absolute must for the
people He is to save into the kingdom, while the same sanctification is what human
beings insist on not having by any means. In the second place, the very fact that we
insist on not being "encumbered" with sanctification, this is what inevitably makes every
one of us naturally prone to accept the allurement of pantheist teaching and pantheist
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